Dracoventions News

DA, HFP, and Menu Popper Fixes

June 9, 2016

Release notes

  • Developer Assistant v3.1 RC1
    • Fixed mistranslation in 'Insert from URL' script step with 'Automatically encode URL' checked in FM 15.
    • Windows fixes:
      • Fixed possible freeze in FM 13 and earlier when a dialog such as database not found appears during 'all scripts' search.
      • Fixed Mark and Move list lines in FM 13 and earlier.
      • Mark and Move now changes mouse cursor to a wait pointer during its operation.
      • Mark and Move cancels with an error dialog if another application is moved above FileMaker.
      • DA's tab contents no longer draw over other tabs if one of the other tabs is focused when FM is started.
      • Warning is now displayed when script 'View > Compatibility...' mode is set to an unsupported value during script search.
      • Changes to the active tab in Script Manager are now detected, which fixes a few rare problems like trying to continue a search in the wrong tab.
      • Fixed "Problem loading DA Toolbox GUI" error when DA is unloaded and loaded while FileMaker is running.
      • Fixed an error that appeared if you Find Next in text box A, then double click a Find All result in text box B, then Find Next in text box A of any single dialog that has multiple searchable text boxes.
    • This is a free update for licenses purchased May 16, 2014 and later.
  • Hands-Free Printer v3.61:
    • Fixed running on OS X with hybrid system languages such as "German (Switzerland)" where German is the main language but Switzerland rules for number formatting are used.
    • This is a free update for licenses purchased May 16, 2014 and later.
  • Menu Popper v3.45:
    • Fixed incorrect menu position on Windows when screen scaling is above 100%.
    • Fixed longer menu items possibly getting cut off by a menu sized too narrow in Windows 10.
    • This is a free update for licenses purchased April 12, 2012 and later.